Ægirs feast on Luxury fingering - Yak/Silk (dyelot1)

Ægirs feast on Luxury fingering - Yak/Silk (dyelot1)

NOK 330.00

50% Silk 50% Yak

200 m per 50 g skein

This is the ultimate luxury yarn, a 50/50 mix of mulberry silk and yak, and it is just one of the softest things in the world. You might have even more trouble than usual putting down your knitting, because it really feels so lovely in your hands. And the way it drapes is absolutely amazing!

Ægir is a god of the sea in Norse mythology, but he also is responsible for another important activity: The brewing of ale. Ægir brews ale for the gods and holds a feast for them in his halls. What happens when the gods assemble to feast in Ægirs hall is legendary

Loki spake:

"In shall I go

into Ægir's hall,

For the feast I fain would see;

Bale and hatred

I bring to the gods,

And their mead with venom I mix."

Loketretta (Loki's Wrangling)

The colour is that of a good strong ale. A golden orange with brown and chestnut overtones.

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