Gullinbuste on Luxury Fingering - Yak/Silk

Gullinbuste on Luxury Fingering - Yak/Silk
50% Silk 50% Yak
200 m per 50 g skein
This is the ultimate luxury yarn, a 50/50 mix of mulberry silk and yak, and it is just one of the softest things in the world. You might have even more trouble than usual putting down your knitting, because it really feels so lovely in your hands. And the way it drapes is absolutely amazing!
Gullinbuste is a boar with golden bristles. The dwarf brothers Brokk and Sindre forged him as a gift to Freyr as part of a bet with Loki. Gullinbuste pulls Freyr's chariot, and his golden bristles glow in the dark.
"[...]to Freyr he gave the boar, saying that it could run through air and water better than any horse, and it could never become so dark with night or gloom of the Murky Regions that there should not be sufficient light where he went, such was the glow from its mane and bristles."
The colour is a deep golden yellow, inspired by the colour of old gold.