The Mistress of Seidr on Luxury Fingering - Silk/Yak

The Mistress of Seidr on Luxury Fingering - Silk/Yak
50% Silk 50% Yak
200 m per 50 g skein
This is the ultimate luxury yarn, a 50/50 mix of mulberry silk and yak, and it is just one of the softest things in the world. You might have even more trouble than usual putting down your knitting, because it really feels so lovely in your hands. And the way it drapes is absolutely amazing!
Seiđer is an art of religious magic. It can be used for good both and evil purpouses. This brand of magic was mainly the women's domain; there where male practitioners, but they did not enjoy the same respect as the women did. For men, seiđ carried a social stigma, as it was seen as feminine and thus not proper for a man to use, as he ought to be as masculine as possible. Freya, who was of the Vanir gods, taught the rest of the Æsir gods to use seiđ. Odin became a master of the art, transcending the taboo human men were subjected to.
"Njǫrðr’s daughter was Freya. She presided over the sacrifice. It was she who first acquainted the Æsir with seiðr, which was customary among the Vanir."
A dark and mysterious colourway, blending hues of deep violet. This colourway is dyed on all full skein bases.