Feigdfugl on Luxury Fingering - Yak/Silk

Feigdfugl on Luxury Fingering - Yak/Silk

NOK 330.00

50% Silk 50% Yak

200 m per 50 g skein

This is the ultimate luxury yarn, a 50/50 mix of mulberry silk and yak, and it is just one of the softest things in the world. You might have even more trouble than usual putting down your knitting, because it really feels so lovely in your hands. And the way it drapes is absolutely amazing!

Many birds of the crow-family were considered birds of omen. Ravens, crows and magpies were considered what was called «Feigdfugl». To be feig means that that person is going to die. In Norse beliefs, these birds are linked to Odin and they can foretell many things, both good or bad. People who could speak the language of birds could learn many useful things.

It is predominantly with the introduction of Christianity they get there their bad reputation. After that they are considered definitively evil, in league with the devil himself, the companion of witches and the poultry of those who dwell underneath the hills (a group of creatures in folk-tales that have a lot in common with the Fairy-folk).

"In Frode's hall the fearful word,

The death-foreboding sound was heard:

The cry of fey denouncing doom,

Was heard at night in Frode's home.

And when brave Frode came, he found

Swithiod's dark chief, Fjolne, drowned.

In Frode's mansion drowned was he,

Drowned in a waveless, windless sea."


A dark, cold grey, like the feathers of a crow.

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