Benedik and Årolilja on Lace - Mulberry Silk

Benedik and Årolilja on Lace - Mulberry Silk
100 % Mulberry silk
800 meters per 100 g skein
This base is pure luxury. 100% grade A mulberry silk. This yarn is perfect for shawls or for garments that use the way silk drapes to a great effect. Just one skein gives you enough yarn for a medium sized shawl.
The folk song «Benedik og Årolilja» is a Scandinavian example of a courtly medieval ballad. Its motive is the classic tale of two star-crossed lovers, as found in more famous European tales like those of Tristan and Isolde, Abelard and Héloise, Lancelot and Guinevere, and Romeo and Juliet.
The song tells of the young knight Benedik, who travels to the King's court. There he falls in love with the King’s daughter Årolilja. He is not regarded as good enough for her, so by day he hunts the wild deer and by night he visits her bower in secret. A young serving boy betrays the couple to her father the King, and he has Benedik executed despite Årolija's and the Queen's pleadings. After Benedik is dead, the King sends the young serving boy to fetch Årolilja to appear before him. But the boy comes back, saying that he has found her dead from sorrow. The Queen blames her husband, and in the end he laments that he now has neither daughter nor son in law. Benedik is buried in the North part of the church, and Årolija in the South part. From their graves, there grow two fair lilies that intertwine across the church roof and stand as a lasting judgement on the King’s mistakes.
Benedik rode to Sølondo
He went to find a wife
It was his fate that he never return
and so he lost his life
– Årolilja why are you sleeping so long
Benedik and Årolilja
A sweet medium-intensity pink, over-dyed with gold to make this a warm pink colour with a lot of depth.