Hugin & Munin on Lace - Luxury Cloud

Hugin & Munin on Lace - Luxury Cloud

NOK 330.00

42% Baby Alpaca 35 % Silk 13% Fine Merino (non superwash) 10% Yak

400m per 50g

The ulitmate luxury fluff, This yarn is super soft and fluffy. It works perfect both held togheter with other yarns and on its own. If you want to add some texture to your project but are not a fan of mohair this is the perfect alternativ.

Hugin and Munin are two ravens belonging to Odin according to Norse mythology. Odin was the chief of the gods and he was linked to linked to battle, death, sorcery, poetry, runes, magic, wisdom, the gallows, and royalty. Odin was also known by many other names like All-father, father of the slain and the gallows god. Hugin and Munin flew all across the three worlds and came back to Odin to tell him about all the things going on.

A cold black with blue overtones inspired by raven feathers

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