Freyr on Lace - BFL/Silk

Freyr on Lace - BFL/Silk
55% BFL 45% Silk
800 meters per 100 gram skein
This is a delicious base mixing the best of BFL and Silk. BFL (Bluefaced Leicester) is a bred of sheep with gorgeous shiny long staple wool that still is softer then most long-wool sheep. Blended with silk it gives a fantastic lace weight yarn that would be perfect for a shawl or a lightweight summer cardigan.
Freyr belongs to the group of gods called the Vanir. He is the son of Njord, and Freya is his sister. Vanir are associated with fertility, love, nature and magic. Freyr himself is a god of harvest, fertility, rain and sunshine. At the autumn and midwinter blòts, sacrifices were made to Freyr for a good year and peace.
Til árs ok friđar
For a good year and peace
A fresh young green, as the first new shoots in springtime.